The first row panel shows Dr. Andonut's machine suddenly appearing at Marvin's psychotic animal ranch. Marvin looks quite surprised.

Chapter 14: The Nature of our World

During the upcoming scenes, more of Tazmilly's residents show up in the background. Exception being Bud and Lou. 

Matt (the team stares at Matt as he rants)

Are you just going to scold us, Lucas? Well, go ahead. You don't know our mother. We're used to

scolding! We've had our share! You don't even know the whole story. These alien guys—they made

a deal with us to get Winston back, and… Why are you smiling?

We see that Lucas does indeed have a smile. He's almost at the point of laughing.


Me? Scold someone? I don't think I'd ever do such a thing in my entire life. But I'm glad to hear you've

got a mother that cares so much about you.

Duster comes over, yawning. Rope Snake immediately perks up.




Sheesh, did you just wake up?

Rope Snake



Huh? Ropey? Ropey, it is you!

Rope Snake leaps into his arms.


So, uh, what's going on?


I was just about to tell them all about the—

There's a loud whirring sound. The town turns to see Dr. Andonut's device suddenly burst into existence. Dr. Andonuts steps out first, then Leder, and then Marvin. The device is also filled with bunnies.


Huh? Marvin? What's he doing here?

Marvin (holding up two bunnies)

I'm going home, you guys!


Leder… Dr. Andonuts… I'm so glad you're here. Your timing couldn't be better.

Dr. Andonuts

Marvin and I here were just dropping by to say some farewells.


Oh? Where are you going?

Dr. Andonuts

With any luck, home. Although poor Marvin here doesn't remember it…


I was hoping that you could help me "induct" my friends here.



Pan over to show Delphia, now in a proper Painter outfit, by Penny's side. Taras is also here. Penny and Taras look a little tired. Next to Delphia is a boy her height who looks a little depressed, Vaughn.


Are we going to enter some sort of cult here?



Harriet runs over.


Wow, you look cool!


Oh? Well, thanks. I just started my advanced training with Chief Penny, so I get to wear this now.


Started? I thought you would've said completed…


That takes many years, dear. And our training session was cut short by… unexpected events.


Are you four okay?


We're fine. Just a little… family trouble.


It was bad for a bit,, yeah… But I learned so much, too! I won't be a master for awhile yet. But don't worry. I've already learned a lot about better control and that kind of thing.


Do you know anything about what Lucas is about to tell us?

Delphia just shrugs. They all go over to Lucas.


Cute new outfit, Matty.

Matty blushes a little.


So, um, who is this big guy?


I am Sylvester. I have recently aided your friends here.


You're lucky. He stopped with all the poetry not too long ago.


Poetry? I love poetry! So long as it's good, of course.


As I said, you're lucky.


Words that send pins into my heart…


I'm glad you two have made so many friends…

The group turns to Lucas.


I'd like to share a story with you four. And for better or worse, it will take some time.


A story? But what about the chamber?


C-Chief Penny… maybe I should go?


Nonsense. This is something every Painter has to learn, anyway. Might as well be now.

Lucas (sits down on chamber barrier)

Unsealing the door doesn't really matter. The truth is, I believe I'm the only one who can open it

completely. It's my choice to keep it closed or open it. So we're not under much of a time limit here.


So all those towers just took off a seal. You've still got the choice to undo the lock.


Yes. But now I can if I need to.


What kind of story is this going to be?


One I believe you deserve to hear. After all of your tiring work and after all your suffering… Yes, this is

one you should be aware of.




Harriet, you're fourteen, right?




That's an interesting age to be. Our ability to retain memories doesn't start fully developing until we're

around four. Did you know that?

Lucas relaxes himself on the edge of the chamber door a bit.


Tell me something. What's your earliest memory, and how old do you think were in it?

Harriet closes her eyes. We then see a fuzzy image of a songbird in a cage.


A memory I've held onto… Me, looking at a beautiful caged songbird. And that was probably from when

I was three. I can't think of an earlier memory.


I see. And do you still have a songbird in your house?




Do you have any memories of this bird from when you four, or older?




What about me? Aren't you going to ask me?


I'm sorry, Matthew. You're too young… for this moment of curiosity of mine. But Delphia—what about

you? What's your earliest memory?


I don't think about it that much, but I'm pretty sure it was me looking up at a big oak tree. I've always

assumed that it was just outside our village, but if it was, it's not there anymore. Not even a stump.

Lucas (to Vaughn)

What about you, young man?


I, um… Well, if you really want to know, I saw the same tree Delphia did. I think.


And you, Sylvester… Well, I think you know what I'm going on about, so I needn't ask.

In a small panel, Sylvester looks to the ground just a little.


What are you getting at, Lucas?


Our memories are funny things. As they get older, they can meld with others, forming complex, 

intertwining false memories that we never had, or are otherwise greatly different from the truth. This

becomes how one perceives their own personal history.

But in the case if this world… Most people have at least some false memories that the dragon gave

you. Maybe even some of them are there for a reason. Anyone who is ten or under have only true memories. And a select few—most of whom are in this very village, have a very different set of memories altogether.


Why? Is something wrong… with our memories or something?


I wouldn't call them "wrong." They're there for your own good, I believe. They're there to help disguise

the truth about this world.


The truth about this world?

A panel of silence. Then, another one of those larger panels for important dialogue deals.

Lucas (serious)

There was a world before this one. It stopped existing just ten years ago.

Harriet, Delphia, and Matt don't know what to say. Lucas looks up as snow begins to lightly fall. A few of the upcoming dialogue panels can just be of the snow falling or the top of Tazmily houses.


Though even that world, from my understanding, was not a true one.


Lucas… what do you mean?

He looks back at them. Obviously, the following dialogue is extremely important. It should use a mixture of flashbacks, stylized retellings, and a view shots of the current world, all around it, including places previously visited.


My world was much smaller. In fact, it was all contained on a single island. And it was all I ever knew. I

grew up in this very village. That is, I grew up in its original, before it was rebuilt.

Close up on Hinawa's diary, now on Lucas's lap.


I had a family not too unlike your own. I had a caring mother, a strong father, a competitive but loving

brother, and my best friend was my dog. It was a quiet, nice life. We had everything we could ever

want, and we knew of no other way of living.

But one day, something terrible happened to our peaceful village. A greedy, selfish boy named Porky

came to our island, tainting all that was once good. He did it by exploiting us… Our blissful

unawareness; our naiveté. He brought money into our village, and with it, greed. The villagers who

once thought they had everything they ever wanted suddenly wanted more. The only way to get

money was to work for it. Work for this… Porky. Or in the worst circumstance, steal it.

A close up on Sylvester and Marvin can happen during next paragraph.


Porky had an army. A brainwashed army that carried his ideas and ideals, and would do his bidding

without restraint. And Porky was bored. So his men were bored, as well. Just to entertain themselves,

they began toying with the animals of our world. Combining them… adding machine parts… Doing

horrible things to our friendly beasts.

But all of that started one… terrible night. My brother and I were walking home from my grandfather's

house (good time to show Alec in the crowd) and were attacked by an animal we once considered

friendly, but whose heart had been twisted by Porky's cruel will. It attacked us, and our mother gave her

life to protect the two of us.

My mother… she was… she was precious to all of us. She was the sunflower of the village. She was

warmth and love, she held everyone together, she was the one true good that kept our bonds sealed.

When she died… so did our way of life.

My brother sought revenge, only to be nearly killed himself and left as a lifeless shell of his former self, and he would be used by Porky as well. And in the end… because of one boy's selfishness, I was forced to finish my brother Claus's journey to see our mother, which may of had been the greatest

thing I had ever given him.

We go back to the group. Harriet is wiping away a single tear.


I… I still don't understand, but… Lucas… I didn't know that when you told us about your mother and

brother that it was… like that…


As I said… my world was not a true world. Rather, it was a place outside time and space, or so my

friend Dr. Andonuts has explained to me. It was meant to hold incredible power. Power to recreate the

entire world—the one that you see. Maybe as a failsafe for us all, just in case we were ever to bring our one home to complete destruction. But it was no easy task to bring that power to life. And only a few people have the ability to do it. My brother and I… were those people.

Needles held in that massive power. The new world would reflect the heart of the person who pulled the needles. Claus's had become empty, so if he were to pull more than I did… I dread to think what

the world might've become. And when I pulled the last one of these needles, our island suddenly became no more. We awoke into blackness after absolute destruction, and then before we knew it, a new reality had been created for us. All of us. 

Remember that village we happened upon before the Tower of Land? Those people were worshipping

something called a dragon. Cazula's father was an islander—an engineer in Porky's army, who had gained knowledge of the being most of us originals call the dragon.


We've heard of "islanders" before. Does that just mean the people who were… part of this world of yours?


Yes. The "dragon" is only a name given to the great power, just so that it has a name. People

like to give things names. Maybe it makes the unknown a little less scary. When our world ended,

everyone who was alive when I pulled the final needle was given protection. All effects of brainwashing

on the army, the "Pigmask" army, was also cleansed, although all of the people Porky captured all throughout time lost their memories that existed before being brainwashed. And all of the animals that were experimented on reverted to normal. But the creation of the new world… wasn't fully completed.


Scarlet is the home to most former Pigmasks. There's still a lot of darkness lingering in their hearts, 

even though it was cruelly forced into them. That's why whatever power is making the animals go mad

got to them first. But if we don't stop that power, the rest of us may be next.

Sylvester (rolls back sleeve)

Pigmasks were brandished with this.


Oh! You were one, too? What unit did you serve in? Not that I… have any good memories of that period

in my life. I was just wondering.


I was captain of the Pork Mothership, actually…


The what?

Sylvester (with flashbacks)

It was a large ship that flew in the air. We used it to go anywhere we wanted on the island. But when

the world began to break apart…

We see the bridge in chaos. Sylvester is behind the helm, looking terrified.


Captain! We've been hit! We're going down, sir! 


We're going to die! N-no… Please! I don't want to die! I'm sorry for all the bad things I did!

Sylvester closes his eyes.



Close up on his poetry book on on the control console.

Back in the present…


But after our ship crashed, I suddenly woke up in a beautiful field, surrounded by my crewmen but

not a sign of my vessel in sight. Nearby was an empty coastal town. We moved right in, asking no

questions about where the town had come from. We eventually called it Scarlet.


This is all so… overwhelming… But you said the world wasn't complete. Does that mean it still isn't?


Tell me. When you were on top of the sky tower, did you happen to gaze off into the west or south? 

Supposedly, there's an area of mountains just low enough to make out the horizon.


I… I did! But it was strange. It looked normal… I mean, there was sky, and clouds, and maybe

even some ocean, but I got this weird feeling from looking out there. I can't really explain it…


It may of had been a feeling of incompleteness. You see, Harriet, to put it simply… You looked out into

the abyss. There's nothing out there but a mirage.

Lucas makes a triangle with his fingers.


This is shape of our world. It is a triangle. A very large triangle, still far larger than my world, but I know

that this new one can get even larger.


Now wait a minute. If that's really the shape of our world, and everything outside of the triangle is

incomplete then why… why don't we…


Question it? Lack any motivation to leave the triangle; go exploring? Even wonder why Scarlet is the

only city near an ocean? I've wondered that myself. It might be the dragon's influence, keeping you

passive for now. I believe that the dragon—the power is still active, but at the same time, dormant. 

Waiting for the person who created this world to finish something he could not the first time through.

The towers… I believe they were a test. Or a safeguard. I believe there's something quite dangerous

under New Tazmily. But if it isn't dealt with, this world may never be complete.

Lucas turns to Andonuts, Leder, Taras, and Penny.


So what do you think? Did I do a good job? Outside of that one time I addressed the Painters, I've

never shared this story before, so…

Dr. Andonuts

Quite, my boy. Let us take over for a little while.


Delphia, this is something only the adult Painters in the village usually know of. The Painters were

created by the dragon—or at least our powers were a gift from it—in order to add a human touch to this

new world that the dragon likely could not reproduce. Nearly a decade ago, our power was much

greater. We were able to paint entire cities. I even created a couple of mountains to help disguise our

village. We were given the power of human creation, performed much faster for the benefit of a speedy

rebirth to a world that would be more familiar to us. These days, we mostly refine what is already



That's what Painters are? I… I had no idea.

Vaughn (looking at paintbrush)

I could do things like that?


This is information that you would've learned in a few years, as it is important to everyone in our village.

Your cousin Markos would've been told the truth on his next birthday, I believe.


So Painters didn't exist until the world was reborn…


No. In fact, my mom and I are some of the very few Painters who lived on the island and were then

given this gift in the new world. Before that, we lived a terrible life, hiding from Porky in his city's sewers.

But my mom wanted to keep me safe. It made both of us stronger.


I only regret not being able to free more of the people taken by Porky…


But here, we got a chance to help shape into something beautiful. We never want to see

a city as ugly as Porky's exist again. Remember the stories of the Dreamtime in the village? That was

actually a small period of two years where time in this world didn't exist yet. Time moved, sure, but

nothing was really alive or changed yet. And the world had no cities yet; no human touch.


You were just a baby back then, Delphia, so you wouldn't remember, but that was when we Painters

were at our prime. We traveled the world, using our powers to create the beginnings of towns and

cities. But it was a lonely life for those two years. Magical, but lonely. When time started flowing again

after those two years, everyone else arrived, like us having never aged a day if they were from the Nowhere Islands.


You kept saying that the previous world wasn't a true one. Why?

Leder (adjusting glasses)

I can answer that one. Of everyone in this world, I may be the only one with the memories from the

place that was right before our island home. In this true world—the one just recently reset, my people

were dying out. We constructed a vessel that led a few of us to the place Lucas called home, which

we inhabited for about thirty-five years. Our memories of our true home were erased completely, and

would never be restored, except for my own. I was a retainer of the previous true world, and it was up to me to try and make sure our new home didn't fall like the one we just left.


Leder told everyone a few years after the rebirth about the last real world, and guess what? Our grandpa was the captain of that ship!


Grampa Scamp flew everyone to the island!


You wiped out your memories?


Yes, but…

Duster takes out the cracking egg of light.


This little egg here is a memory device. It's been storing the very memory of all time and space since its

creation. But there seems to be no way of extracting them—and thus knowing the truth once again, 

unless we break it open.


It appears that it might be doing that on its own…

Duster (pockets it)

Y-yes… It might be that the poor little thing is finally reaching its limits, and will soon no longer be able

to record any more memories. But none of us know what just might happen if it were to crack open.

Matt (to Dr. Andonuts)

And what about you? Where are you from?

Dr. Andonuts

Ah, lad, I share a tragic story with so many others of the island. I was taken against my will in

a very different time than even the one Leder comes from.


That is the same story that most former Pigmasks share.

Dr. Andonuts

Yes, but unlike that horrid boy's army, made of people taken from many different times, I got to keep my memories, as I was a scientific genius with previous run-ins with Porky, and he wanted to use me. So I know fully where I came from, and where I wish to return.

My challenge is that my return home not only involves traveling through time, but through space and

perhaps dimensions as well… I don't know if my home still exists in this universe. I might not even be

able to reach it anymore. But I'm certainly going to try.


When… are you leaving?

Dr. Andonuts

Oh, I won't be going anywhere until I see what happens with this world, of course! I quite want to see

it through to the end, my boy! I feel that my story will not be complete otherwise.


Lucas, I just realized… If this world has only been around for ten years, does that mean that I was just

a baby when the one you knew ended?


No… Otherwise, you'd be an Islander.


But, then… how can that be? Are my parents Islanders?


No. As I said, most Islanders are either here in Tazmilly, or in Scarlet.


Then how…


I was just about to tell you. If you think about all I've told you so far, then it should come to little

surprise that the dragon—or something else, gave you false memories. Probably mostly good, happy

ones. The kind everyone deserves. But they're not real. Your lives began ten years ago.


So you're saying I… didn't exist before I was four? Then where did I come from?


The dragon filled this world with people. Nowhere Island was small, and there weren't many of us.

Maybe the dragon saw us as lonely. Maybe it saw that a world this big needed more people to be

sustainable. Your parents were brought into life just ten years ago. So were most people.


So they don't even get to live full lives?


In a way, no. But they should still have a life time of memories they believe are their own, and those

memories have likely served them well. I understand what saying all of this would mean to someone

older than yourselves… To an old man on his deathbed, telling him that he only actually lived for ten

years would be a cruel joke. So you are all fortunate that you're children, and still have full lives ahead of you.


But still, where did we come from?


Maybe from nothing at all. Maybe you were just born like everyone else is, only… differently. Or maybe

you were reborn from a past life in another time, from a place where all the souls that had ever lived

in history exist. But you know you're alive. And you know you live in a good world, free of what came to plague mine. You know little of sorrow or hatred. You have no big conflicts. You respect nature… The dragon's given our people a good new start. We'll have to keep it up when the rest of the world is created. Or else this might just happen all over again.

A panel where no one says anything.


One last thing. About your brother… He reminds me so much of my own. Those lifeless eyes of his…

They painfully remind me of Claus. But I believe I can save him. He seems to be very much alive, just

asleep in a way. Unable to wake up. Whereas my brother was only kept alive by machinery that

probably brought him great pain and that he was relieved to finally have shut off.


We met some people who aren't from this planet. They're the ones that have a mind control device on

him. But now they're helping us. I think… if we could find them again, they'd like to help you, Lucas.

They say they can't go home as this world is now.


Huh? That alien guy who was near my village—he's your buddy now?


You kidding me? I was sure they were out to destroy us all or make us their food or something…

Vaughn (flat)

Yeah, thanks for making me think that yesterday, Taras. I had nightmares last night of aliens putting

me on a dinner plate.

Taras just rubs Vaughn's hair demeaningly.


Nah, they probably just want our women or something.

Kumatora (eyeing Matty)

Turns out they're actually pretty okay. They're just doing their jobs. And like me, they don't eat humans.


I swear, Kuma, Winston made that up about you.


Yeah… Um, maybe you can tell me later.


You've told us a lot, Lucas. I don't know where to begin going back on it… I think… I think we all need

a rest.


That's exactly what I want you to do.


What do you mean?


I want you four to go home. You did your part, and you deserve to relax.


But what about the chamber?


Duster, Kumatora and I will venture down there when we're ready. That might not be for a while, but

I don't want you to worry about any of this anymore. I want you to go home and go back to a normal life,

before any of this happened.


And what about Winston?


I'll get him back. I promise. I owe that, and much more.


After all you just told us, you expect us to just live normal lives again?


Yes, I do.


But that's going to be impossible!


No, it isn't. I went back to living a life I considered normal until just two years ago when I started

researching the towers. Even if it was filled with a great pain. But you can't live in the past, or grow

up thinking that your world is a lie.


… Lucas, I'm sorry. I bet that even in this village, you don't get enough gratitude fro all that you've done.


And I'm fine with that. In my eyes, I haven't earned it yet.


Of course you have. Lucas you are… you're such a good person. You'd give anything just to protect

the people who love. And even those you don't know.

Lucas (eyes not shown)

… I just wanted my brother back.

Lucas turns to the group.


I can do one last thing for you two. Just in case things get bad, or need to protect your family… I'm

going to teach you how to use PK Love. You should be able to use it. Both of you.


That blue colored technique that you and Winston can use?


Yes. But be careful with it. It is exceedingly powerful. Only use it if you really have to.


Of course.

Lucas touches both Harriet and Matt's foreheads. He closes his eyes and concentrates. We enter Harriet and Matt's mind for a single black and white page. They're both younger, Harriet around 6. They run inside their house, Harriet picks up puppy Chipper who licks her face, and their mother puts freshly baked cookies on the table. Baby Winston is in a high chair. Harriet and Matt eat cookies. Harriet and Matt both then look over at the corner where the bird cage used to be (it can appear very faintly). Inside, where the bird would be, a glowing spot grows into a blinding light through the rest of the panels. Back in the real world…


There. That power can hold back the blackest of darknesses. I hope you will never have to use it…

But should anything happen to me, it might be up you two. I just don't want to burden you both with

anything more.

Harriet and Matt

Thank you, Lucas.


When all of this is over, I'd like to get to know you all a little more.


Well guys, it's been fun. When all of this is over with, let's do something, okay?


Yeah. Thanks for helping us out.

They also leave. Suddenly, the four are alone, and don't know quite what to do.


So that's it then. After all that—after everything he told us… he just leaves.


So… now what?

A panel of silence.


Well, I'm hungry. Maybe we should just go home.


What, to your home?


Why not? Mom and Dad would like to meet you guys, I'm sure.


Yeah. Plus it will give you a chance to get to know Sylvester.


I have a feeling I might regret doing that…

Matt laughs and then extends his hand.


Grab on.

We see Matt and Harriet's household from the street. There's snow everywhere but the road, but it's a clear day, and it's around sunset. Go to the kitchen to see Itoia doing dishes. She then hears a loud burst, then looks out the window to see the gang. Outside, everyone is waiting for the effects of the teleport to wear off, with Delphia the most exhausted.


Geez! What was that?! What have you both been learning while I was away?

The front door bursts open, and Mom and Dad come running out.


Matthew! Harriet!

Delphia and Sylvester watch as Matt and Harriet get covered in hugs from their parents.


Ah, such a lovely scene…

Matt gets a clear enough view of the door to see Shigo, leaning against the door frame with a small smile and regretful eyes, but also cleaned up a bit. Chipper is wagging at his tail by his feet. We cut to everyone eating dinner. They're quiet for a panel. Then Harriet speaks up.


Mom… Dad… Shigo… I'm so sorry that we couldn't bring Winston back…


We're just glad that you two are safe.


Yes… Yes, and have made a couple of… very interesting friends.


I am interesting? Well, I suppose that lesser things have been said about me.


Great cooking, by the way. Matty was right about your food.


Oh, it's just an old family recipe, nothing special.


Is there humble pie for dessert? Ms. Delphia is quite correct—this food is divine.


Winston will be fine… You'll see… Our friend Lucas—he's going to bring him back.


Yes, well… You know, at this point, we're just happy to see the two of you safe and well.


We've been all across the world. Done… incredible things.


You both seem so strong, so confident… You've really grown up in such a short time. We're proud of you.


Your friends are welcome to stay the night, of course.


Oh, thank you.


Yes, indeed.

Mom goes to the kitchen.


Hey, you two… I'm glad you're back. I've been doing a lot of thinking about what you said to me, and,

well, you were right. From now on, I'm going to try harder. I want to be an important part of this family.

I know I have a lot to make up for, and it's a small place to start, but how about… Well, how about I

take the two of you to the zoo tomorrow? I hear the animals there are still normal, unlike most others

these days…

Matt and Harriet smile.


Thanks, Uncle.

Mom comes back with four mugs of hot cocoa and passes them out.


After coming all of this way, you four should have some nice hot cocoa.


Wow, thanks Mom!


You make the best…

Delphia gives her mug a few drops of hot sauce, and then they start drinking. Everything but the gang, the mugs, the chairs, and the table fade to black. Now begins the coffee scene, complete with flashbacks and maybe some series-style trippy stuff. What might be cool is to see the words rising out of the cocoa, reflecting off the surface. Includes marshmallows.


Family bonds can be as tight as steel, and through the dedication to the protection of your own blood,

one may traverse many roads, some that they never knew even existed. Harriet, Matthew—when you

set out to go after Winston, how long did you believe you would be away from home? And now you

return to the same place you grew up in, where memory and love have built up over the years to form

an anchor that will always keep your family together, even when you're grown up, many miles away

from one another on a rainy, lonely day.

You do not yet have Winston with you again, but you have hardly returned home empty-handed. Some

times, the journey can be more important than the destination. It is because of your search for Winston

did you learn the truth about your world, but has this new reality changed your understanding of love?

Perhaps, when the deepest darknesses begin to shroud the vision of you, your friends and family, and

everyone else, love becomes the last shining beacon of hope. Your journey up to this point has been

hard, but soon, the full truth of your world will be exposed to you. Cling onto what's really important,

and step into the depths as friends—as a family.

Harriet, Matthew, Delphia, and Sylvester. You're finally together. Lucas and his friends have set a high

precedent to follow, but together, you four may ultimately wield the power to finally awaken the true

world waiting to see light. When you finish drinking this cocoa, your final trials will begin. Good luck…

Finish with a panel of the four looking at one another with empty mugs.



It's early evening now, right around twilight. Matt and Harriet are in the town square, watching people go by. By now, all the trees have lost their leaves, and there is a light layer of snow on the ground.


We missed the festival… Even the trees losing all their leaves…


And Winston's birthday.

Matt (turning away)




Strange being home again. Still without Winston, knowing the truth about this world…


Do you think Lucas really should've told us about our world?


I don't know. But if he didn't… we'd probably be wondering about the towers and why all this happened.

We've probably been to more places and seen more things than Dad has… Maybe people like us

would start questioning this world anyway.


You sounded pretty grown up just now, you know. But I guess it kind of does feel like we're all part of a lie or something.

Matt watches as a snowflake falls onto his hand.


He stares down at it some more.


It still feels cold. It still melts on my hand. Nothing's really changed…




Everything is still as it has always been, Harriet. This world isn't a lie. It just has… a hidden truth. Us,

our friends, all the people we've met—they're all still real. If we want to protect it, we can't think of

everything we've done so far like that…


I know, Matty. I just wish I knew what to do now.


Harry and Matty?!

They look over to see Mable, who comes up to them.


Oh, aren't you Mable? The girl who follows Winston around all the time?

Mable (embarrassed)

W-what? It's not like that at all! Um, anyway… I was wondering where Winston is.


Uh… he…


Yeah, I haven't seen him around recently, and well, I kind of miss him…



So how is he doing? Is he sick or something?

Harriet and Matt


He's… just been busy. You'll see him again soon, okay?


Yeah. Don't worry, he hasn't forgotten about you.


Oh. Well, okay. Bye…

She leaves. Harriet and Matt look at one another, and then leave. Along the way, on the other side of the street, they find Will surrounded by his friends, arguing with his older sister who wants money. He looks pretty defenseless though.


Heh, get a load of that. Looks like Will has someone to pay out too, as well.


That's Mathilda, his older sister. If you thought he was mean…


I'm not even scared of him anymore. I—

Harriet stops in mid-step and turns around to see that Matty is looking at the ground, crying.



She goes over.


Matty, what's wrong?


H-Harriet, I… I'm scared… A-all this time I've t-tried to be brave, but…

He wipes his tears with his sleeve, which pushes his glasses up.


I don't care about our adventure anymore. I just wish things were back to normal, a-and we didn't

know about this world like we do now, and that Winston was back…

Harriet just looks at him for another panel. He regains some composure.


After everything we did, Winston is still out there, and we might never see him again now!


I… I wish I could say something comforting, Matty… But I've never been very good at that…


I—I can't let myself cry. Not even a little. It doesn't help anything. I'm sorry.


It's okay…

A panel of the two just looking at one another.


Come on. Let's go back home.

After a panel or so of walking, they go by the store again. Mr. Boogle is sweeping the sidewalk.

Mr. Boogle

Hello, Matty and Harriet!

Both (not looking at him)

Good evening, Mr. Boogle.

He just watches, a little dumbfounded, as they walk by.

Mr. Boogle

I'll be… No one their age has ever gotten my name right…

Cut to Flint and Lucas for a new page. Boney is sleeping on the couch. Lucas has just finished helping with the dishes. Kumatora and Duster are still at the dinner table, laughing and having a good time. 


Was my joke really that funny, Kumatora?


N-no, of course not! They never are! But it's how dry you are when you screw them up, and how you

just yammer away at trying to get them right again like it's the most important thing in the world!


Oh. Um, I see.

Kumatora (taking a swig)

But perhaps the drinks help a little, too. Hehe.

She looks back at Flint and Lucas.


Thanks for the dinner, you two! I gotta say, Flint, you sure can pick a fine wine! Ha-ha!


If this is you after half a glass, Kumatora, perish the thought of you on a bottle…

Kumatora puts her arm around Duster's shoulder.


H-hey, look… I just wanna say… I love you guys. All of you, you know? You're like… my only friends.

Lucas puts me out there, making me rub the sweaty palms of buttery little kids who dribble all over ya,

and all I want to do is get a whiff of Duster's breath again to remind me of home…


Well, you did a good job, Kumatora. I don't need you to do that anymore, at least.


It's okay, Lukie. I did it for you. As a friend. Cause that's what friends… mmm, do. Great kids, that

Harriet and Matty. They'll go far… Mmhmm…

Suddenly, there's a scream in the distance. Duster and Kumatora become alert, Kuma seemingly out of her stupor right away.


What was that?

Lucas runs over to the window and looks out, but sees nothing.


I don't know, Dad.

Boney starts barking.


Boney, shush! Quiet, boy!

There's a knock at the door. Lucas opens it to find Alle and Sarah, quite frightened. Kumatora and Duster come over.


Alle, Sarah? What is it? What's going on?


L-Lucas… There was a… a monster! In the village!


A big ugly scary monster with two heads!


Cripes, with two heads? Uh, that's not good. I fought that thing once. It's mean.


Y-yeah, and… And I think there was a boy traveling with him! There they were, in the middle of the

village! Just walking…


Is anyone hurt?


I don't know. I don't think so. But that monster… It isn't something people would want to get near, you


Lucas grabs the mystical stick hanging on the wall near the door.


Get inside, you two. We'll check it out. 




I'll be okay, Dad. You know it's my job to protect this village. And Duster and Kuma are with me.


I know. I… I just get scared some times.


I know you do.

Lucas hugs his father.


I'll be fine.

Lucas runs out of the house with Kuma and Duster. One last panel of Flint and the girls watching him go. Back at Matt's house, we see him standing in the doorway of his bedroom. He then walks in and looks at Winston's desk. The last drawing he made, the PK Love pattern, is still on its surface. Matt looks down and notices the corner of a piece of paper sticking out from a drawer. He opens it and looks at the top sheets; more patterns. 


(He really has never drawn any of us…)

He takes out the entire stack and begins going through them, dropping each piece on the floor. Over a few panels, we see the drawings of PK Love get cruder and cruder, until one paper is just blue scribbles. But the sheet behind it stands out; it's yellow. Show a small panel of curious Matt. He removes the sheet to reveal the one on the very bottom. It's of sunflowers. He takes it to Harriet's room, who is busy looking at the ceiling in thought.


Harriet… look at this.

Matt brings it over for Harriet to see.


When Winston started drawing things from his dreams… I think this is the first one.




Yeah, but…  I've never seen a flower like this.


Wait, didn't Lucas mention a flower in his story?


Yeah—he did, didn't he? The name of it stuck out because I had never heard of it before. What was it

again? A sunflower?


I can see why it'd be called that…


So why was Winston… drawing flowers he had never seen before?

They look at one another for a panel.


Harriet, did you see the bird cage when Lucas taught us PK Love?


Y-yeah… The was strange.

Delphia shows up at the door.


You guys—you might want to see this.

Outside, Sylvester is looking up at the sky with his hands in his coat pockets. The other three come out and look.


What is it?


It's the sky. Something's wrong with it.


Well, yeah, those do look like storm clouds, and it was clear just a few hours ago, but…


Wait for lightning.

They all look up. A panel of just plain storm clouds. Then, sky lightning flashes, illuminating them. We see that there's a tint of red in the clouds.


Oh… Oh my. Where's that red coming from?


That is… terrifying.


I know. I've been out here for a half hour, and the red is getting deeper and the storm clouds thicker.

I don't think this is natural.


Do you think something has happened?

Dad (coming in from behind)

You four, get inside where it's safe.


Why? What's going on?


Just get inside!

The four go ahead and do so, Dad closing the door. Everyone shuffles to the living room, where Shigo and Itoia are watching the TV intensely. The gang turns their looks to the TV to see a reporter just outside outside the zoo. It's very windy and scary.

Danny Reporton

Again, it appears that the animals at the Burgundyville Zoo have gone wild. From what we've heard,

most have escape from their cages, and the noise… the camera microphone doesn't do it justice. It is a frenzy in there. We can't get a clear idea of what is going on inside, but this, coupled with the strange weather, is going to make for pretty scary night…

Cut to the actual scene, no longer the TV itself. There's a loud groan and grinding from inside the zoo.


Wait a minute, something is happening…

Danny turns around to face the zoo but keeps reporting. A giant glow of blue sparkles is erupting from the zoo grounds.


Are—are you seeing this? A glow is coming from the ground and—wait—oh my…

Zoo cages lift up from inside, their bars all twisted around animals that are being gathered into a shape. A couple of lanterns also get picked up. A few panels show the transformation of the entire zoo and its animals into a massive, four legged thing with a head and the lanterns for eyes.


It—it looks like the bars have formed to create some kind of giant monster! W-wait, oh no!

The camera zooms in to show that several kids are trapped behind the bars with the animals, including Will and Zoe, among others.


That's Will and Zoey!


There are several teenagers trapped inside with the animals! Someone needs to help them, please!

The creature lets out a deranged roar, scaring everyone on site, and they scatter.


I—I don't know what this thing is, but we're—we're getting out of here!

Back in the living room, the TV screen just shows chaos now. The gang looks at one another. There's a loud, distant groan in the distance. Matt and Harriet rush towards the door, but Mom stands up.


Just where are you two going?


Mom, we're the only ones who can stop that thing.


And it's probably going to come after us, anyway.


I don't think we need a fifty foot mess of zoo animals marching in your town.


I will make sure no harm comes to any of us.

Mom and Dad look at one another.


All right, all right… Just wait a moment.

Mom runs up the stairs while Dad runs to his studio.


That… was weird.

Mom comes down with a handmade, beautiful twirler. Dad has a tripod.


When I saw that you had taken your twirler… I didn't know if you'd lost it or something, so I made you

a new one, just in case…


Mom, it's great! Thank you!

Harriet puts the second twirler on her back so it forms an X with the other one.


And Matt… take this. It's the good tripod. I tumbled down a mountain once with that on my back. Was

barely even scratched.


Thanks, Dad…

Matt ditches the monopod and puts the tripod on his back instead.


You four be careful.


Don't make us wait much longer to come home again, okay?


We'll try.

The gang runs off into the night.

Shigo (disappointed)

I guess this means no trip to the zoo…

The party talks while they run towards the park where the zoo is.


It's that starface thing again! Now it's attacking us at home!


Not only that, it's hurting all those poor animals… And Will and Zoe…


Will's a jerk, but he doesn't deserve this…


So I guess this is it.


What is it?


This is our first fight together. No Lucas or Duster…


Or Kumatora…


Oh, man. What if we suck without them?


Confidence, Harriet. I'm sure we've all become strong on our own.

The party comes to a skidding halt on the T road in front of the park. Towering above the trees is the being we will know as the Final Chimera. The gang takes out their weapons.


Maybe, but… are we really strong enough to take on that?

The Final Chimera, with all of its animals stuck inside of its bars, let's out a roar. Which is really just a mix of dozens of species of animal sounds.

Just two chapters left…