
A list of most major characters in the Aurra series. Descriptions are kept basic to minimize spoilers.

Introduced in Part 1

Garder Nolland

 A young, talented swordsman about to reach adulthood along with his twin sister. He’s hard on himself but has a sense of justice and hidden, powerful potential. | Watairre

Milla Nolland

As an Aurrian queen from several lifetimes ago, Milla tries to not dwell her famed past and live for today. She is wise and mighty with alchemagi, but like her brother, is also haunted by her recent past.  | Vector

Lechi Dachel

A young girl assigned to aid the Nolland twins, she can speak with animals and has lived enough lives in Aurra to provide needed insight on their first assignment together. She can be a bit argumentative. | Iron

Jeryn Klowsk

A powerful alchemagist who wields fire, he has a mysterious background and knowledge about how the Guard operates. He is assigned to help and protect the group, even as his past may threaten their safety. | Fire

Simon Thalst

An Earthen picked up along the way when the group needs a pilot while in Africa, Simon is brought to Aurra and having never been there, finds himself in a strange, fantastical world ready to be discovered. An activist already, he has a strong sense of right and wrong.| Solar

Temki Rachester

The current mind paradigm—the strongest mind adept in Aurra—is a young boy from a frozen land, currently imprisoned. Rivia tasks the group to free him, but he’s shy, easily frightened, and reluctant to go up against the Guard. | Mind

Verim Grenwich

A semi-feral animalect who fights wildly, carries a giant sword, and fights with plantlife. He has the ability to bypass Guard protections and attack them, but his allegiances are unknown, as is where he comes from. | Plant

Shin Xin

A warrior of diminished height who makes up for it with a vigorous and righteous spirit. She hails from a hidden kingdom and has a personal vendetta against Aurra’s current king. A talented wielder of the katana, who can swing a blade with lightning-fast movements. | Lightning

General Rivia

A respected man ready to betray the Guard, who across lifetimes has met and influence many people into fighting for a cause. He’s ready to risk everything for revolution to bring down a corrupt and antiquated authoritative power. But first, he has to enlist the Nolland twins  to help with another matter. | Silver

Xavier Holden

Rivia’s bodyguard, who assists the Nolland twins in a menial way and ends up surviving an encounter that should have killed him. Lost, confused, and out of his element, he has no choice but to follow a peculiar group of people and find a new path in life. | Silver

King Lontonkon

The elusive, elderly, and power-hungry ruler of Aurra. Lontonkon has kept many secrets from his foes and other Aurrian officials, and has devoted his life to finding and unlocking a great source of power, no matter the cost. | Mind


A tall, beautiful queen of a small hidden kingdom never thought able to exist. Her eyes are as striking as her silver hair, and though she has relegated herself to possessing and sharing information, her great alchemagi strength has not been diminished by the years. | Watairre

Kyrell Pangs

The leader of City C and a brilliant scientist in charge of a research team. Though his ethics and experiments with the souls of animals are questionable, his goal in trying to find a way to save his City are altruistic. He also opposes the Guard and will give shelter to the like-minded. | Earth

Captain Osk

A respected officer within Aurra’s independent military, and one of Rivia’s ardent protectors. He has been preparing an army to fight the Guard for years, and his experience with a multitude of battlefields places him in a good position for a first effort against Aurra’s oppressors. | Earth

Councillor Delqua

Acting Security Councillor for City N, Delqua has been trying to become Lontonkon’s favorite politician for years and is seen as something of the king’s sniveling lackey. He has taken a particular interest in the Nolland twins and Rivia’s suspicious behavior. | Earth

Tess Rachester

Temki’s grandmother and architect of City I, to the far north. She helps maintain, rebuild, and approve the construction of infrastructure in the frozen City, but she has recently found herself distracted and ever more worried about her special grandson. | Lightning

Gregory Hekens

“Mayor” of City I, Hekens can be a bit fearful of the Guard, but is not afraid to act in the shadows against them. Suspicions abound about his wife’s mysterious death, which has forced him to raise Jeremi, his spoiled brat of a son, alone. | Silver

Tabi Feretta

The imprisoned plant paradigm, eager to serve Rivia and get a chance for revenge against the Guard, who once tried to force her into servitude. Young and fierce, she is able to grow massive, lethal plants rapidly and is also talented with a blade. | Plant

Masayuki Xin

The imprisoned lightning paradigm. Shin’s cousin, who is the only other survivor of the massacre of their family and clan. He is determined to lead a rebellion against the Guard and if Shin can’t do it, kill Lontonkon with a faster-than-sound swing of his blade. | Lightning

Viktor Wulf

The imprisoned fire paradigm. A grizzled veteran of many wars and former senior member of the League of Flame, a fire-based clan. Able to send out waves of flame or strike with a blazing sword, he seeks to show the clan he betrayed that they never should’ve sided with the Guard. | Fire



The mysterious newest member of the pretorian circle, Kamsa is a naive young lady who is still mastering her own powers, but her purity with her alignment gives her potential to summon the mightiest of water and air spells. Her loyalty to the Guard is not yet fully assured. | Watairre

Jenera Trinqit

A cruel woman with sociopathic tendencies who is unafraid to cut down innocents to get through to an enemy, she gladly serves Drides and the Guard and believes only in power and defeating their opponents in a way that makes them feel hopelessness just before the end. | Vector

Axel Breen

An old and respected warrior who has put down many smaller rebellions and serves both the Guard and Aurrian royalty faithfully, he is also the iron paradigm, which has weakened his bones and forces him to use mechanized armor just to move around. His only weapon: a malleable, compacted ball of metal. | Iron

Rhet Palar

Power hungry and obsessed with destroying anyone he perceives as an enemy, Palar is strong both physically and with alchemagi. Using a large battle ax which he combines with some of the strongest earth-based spells known and once prohibited, he can crush his opponents to dust—and he has the ambitions to rise even further in the ranks. | Earth

Kendel Viveri

Easy-going for a pretorian, Viveri has a laid back nature and he tries to avoid conflict just by flaunting his position and making vague threats. Even so, he can prove easily capable if forced into combat, able to go toe-to-toe with any enemy seemingly naturally and without trying. He and Trinqit often feud. | Lightning


The enigmatic leader of the pretorians is a young man who is mostly unknown by the outside world. He has a closeness with the king, and a mechanical patch over a seemingly undamaged eye. His alignment is unknown outside of the pretorian and royal circles, but it is rumored by a very few that he possesses incredible power.