Aurra Series


Back cover book summaries and some additional thoughts from the author.


Alchemagi is Aurra’s gift to humanity, giving them the ability to use powers of the mind and energy of the body to manipulate natural elements. Lists the known alignments, some of their “magic words,” and their different attributes.


The large cast of major characters, in general divided by the book in which they are introduced. Any spoilers are kept to a minimum.


Aurra’s twenty six Cities are divided by livability tiers and letter grades, and who gets to be born where is dictated by the post-life judges in the world between worlds.

Reference Guide

An expanding dictionary of Aurrian terms, concepts, and objects.

aurraWorld Map

Aurra is Earth’s opposite, where millions of people live just beyond the veil. Continents have vaguely familiar shapes, but the geopolitics are vastly different.