Minecraft Server Returns

We’re starting a fresh world called Eldsparse.

It’s an old world that has crumbled and been rebuilt many times. Science and technology mix with an older world of magic, so the theme is sci-fi/fantasy. The plan is to mix old stone buildings with modern ones and everything in between. I will eventually construct a Valice structure here and possibly create further lore.

Right now this world is in its infancy. For 1-2 weeks it will be in creative mode as the main city, Eldsparse City, is being created. The current border only extends within the city’s area. We will then switch to survival mode and expand the border greatly. This is a chance to join and build the foundations of this large area. As before we have a Dynamic Map on the site, in the Minecraft section.

Address of server: ohfrack.shack.nu

Request White Listing (just drop your name)

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